Exercises for a rounded upper back
Here at Osteo Studio, we aim to help our clients help themselves with their pain. One of the best ways to do this is to engage in exercises as well as Osteopathic treatments. If you have been told that you have a rounded upper back, then these are some exercises that can help restore a more natural upper back position and range of movement. It takes many years ( sometimes decades) for people’s backs to round in this way, so improvement is usually slow and minor, but often even minor changes can help alleviate problems.
My favourite success story about someone who has corrected their rounded upper back is that of an 86-year-old American lady called Anna Pesce who straightened herself up by doing yoga exercises every day. Her transformation was quite remarkable and shows what’s possible.
Anna Pesce Video
Exercise 1 - Chair Savasana
Although the video mentions this is for people with spinal fusions, don’t worry it’s good for everyone. The most important thing is to make sure the head is supported in a neutral position with something like a pillow or folded towel. I would recommend doing this at least once a day for 5-10 minutes. The beauty of this exercise is that gravity is doing all the work for you, as it will gently stretch your upper back joints as you lay there. Instead of spending the time worrying about random stuff, why not do some relaxation breathing exercises at the same time, for instance ‘box breathing’.
Exercise 1 - Chair Savasana
Exercise 2 - Child’s Pose
This is the traditional version which involves being able to get down on the floor on your hands and knees. It’s the end of the movement where your hands are most out in front of you where you should feel your upper back stretch. If for any reason you can’t manage this one, for instance due to knee pain, then have a go at the versions shown in exercise 3 which you can do sitting down or standing up.
Exercise 2 - Child’s Pose
Exercise 3 - Child’s Pose - Elevated Versions
Exercise 3 - Child’s Pose - Elevated Versions
Some patients with a rounded upper back may also benefit from using a foam roller. I have talked about how to properly use a back roller in a previous blog, which you can see here.
Cliff Russell, Registered Osteopath
Osteostudio Serving the areas of East Grinstead, Forest Row, Lingfield and the Wider West Sussex area.