Osteo Studio - East Grinstead

Cliff Russell, registered osteopath at Osteo Studio - East Grinstead offers osteopathic treatments to customers living in or near to the following areas of West Sussex & Surrey ;

East Grinstead , Forest Row , Lingfield , Crawley Down, Crawley

Customers who are looking for a chiropractor, physiotherapist or massage therapist in the Forest Row area may also benefit from osteopathic treatment.

Similarly, customers who are looking for a chiropractor, physiotherapist or massage therapist in the East Grinstead area may also benefit from osteopathic treatment.

The clinic is based in Ashurst Wood, near to both East Grinstead and Forest Row and suitable for anyone looking for help with conditions such as back pain that can be treated by osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy or massage therapy.

I also regularly write about aspects of Long Covid, and am happy to share information with patients who live nearby in Forest Row, East Grinstead, Crawley, and wider Sussex.

If you have back pain and live near East Grinstead, get in touch.


Muscle Spasms