Cash is king! £5 discount for cash.
From now on I will be offering a £5 discount on every treatment for cash payers. This means my cash prices will be £50 for new patients and £40 for returning patients.
The more cynical of you may assume I am only doing this to avoid paying tax, however, this isn’t the only reason*.
*HMRC - It was a joke, I will always fully declare my income down to the last penny, please don’t audit me.
I want to encourage the use of cash, as without it we stand to lose a lot of freedom as we move to entirely digital transactions. Just think, if there’s no cash, you can never actually take your money out of a bank, for instance in the event of a bank run as occurred in Cyprus in 2012. Similarly, if banks ever impose negative interest rates again (where you end up paying them to just to hold your money) you can’t take out your money to avoid the fees.
What’s worse, our government is actively looking at replacing cash with a ‘digital pound’, also known as a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Think of the CBDC as a crap government version of Bitcoin that they will have an infinite supply of. The most alarming feature of CBDCs is that the government will have the ability to ‘program’ your money. This means that along with the ability to track every single purchase you make, they could also limit your purchases of certain items ( E.g. Alcohol, petrol, osteopathy..) and even put an expiry date on your money!
Just before Christmas, the government in responding to a petition on the subject, said that they currently had ‘no plans’ to make their CBDC programmable. I wish I felt reassured.
Cash is still king for now - use it or lose it!
If you are looking for an Osteopath in East Grinstead, please get in touch with:
Cliff Russell, Registered Osteopath
You can follow my blog here.