How To Deep Squat
Achieving The Squat Position If You’re British!
The full squatting position with the feet flat on the floor is known by the names ‘Asian Squat’, ‘Slavic Squat’ or ‘Resting Squat’. It’s believed that most westerners can’t easily adopt this position because of stiff ankles and shortened achilles tendons, mainly because of years of sitting on chairs and wearing shoes with heels. Societies that don’t use chairs still exist, and they generally exhibit excellent health.
If (like me) you lack the hip and ankle flexibility needed to drop easily into the resting squat there are ways of working your way towards the position. The first method is to place something under your heels and progressively reduce the height of the object as you get better at the position. See the video below.
Heel Raise Squat Progression
The second assisted squat position is by holding onto something sturdy in front of you as you squat down. This is my preferred way of squatting. See the video below.
The Supported ‘Resting Squat’
Please note that like any exercise I mention, don’t perform the squat if you experience any pain beyond a gentle stretching sensation, or if you are not sure if it’s the right exercise for you. In particular, people with hip or knee injuries will need to be careful with squats.
Cliff Russell, Registered Osteopath
Osteo Studio serving the areas of East Grinstead, Forest Row, Lingfield and the wider West Sussex area.